We are located at 1 Margaret Bacon Avenue, cnr South Beach Road, eMdloti Beach, KwaZulu-Natal North Coast, South Africa
GPS Co-ordinates: GPS S290 40’ 31.74” E310 06’ 53.98”
From King Shaka International Airport
- Take the N2 north on the Toll Road towards Ballito.
- Turn off at the eMldoti / Verulam off-ramp
- Take the EMDLOTI exit, left towards the coastline
- Follow the road straight into eMdloti
- Follow the traffic circle to the right onto South Beach Road - the sea and beach are now on your left-hand side
Fairlight is approximately 1km down South Beach Road, situated on the corner of South Beach Road and Margaret Bacon Avenue
From uMhlanga / Gateway
- The M4 North towards Ballito
- Take the EMDLOTI exit and turn left over the bridge towards the coastline
- Follow the road straight into eMdloti
- Follow the traffic circle to the right onto South Beach Road - the sea and beach are now on your left-hand side
- Fairlight is approximately 1km down South Beach Road, situated on the corner of South Beach Road and Margaret Bacon Avenue
From Johannesburg
- Exit the N3 onto the N2 North going towards Stanger
- Take the EMDLOTI exit, left towards the coastline
- Follow the road straight into eMdloti
- Follow the traffic circle to the right onto South Beach Road - the sea and beach are now on your left-hand side - Fairlight is approximately 1km down South Beach Road, situated on the corner of South Beach Road and Margaret Bacon Avenue
GPS Co-ordinates
GPS S29O 40’ 31.74” E31O 06’ 53.98”
Directions from King Shaka International Airport
- Take the N2 South on the Toll Road, towards Durban.
- Turn off at the Umdloti/ Verulam off-ramp
- Take the UMDLOTI exit, left toward the coastline.
- Follow the road straight down in Umdloti.
- Follow the traffic circle to the right onto South Beach Road (sea/ beach on left handside).
- Fairlight is approximately 1km down South Beach Road, situated on the corner of South Beach Road and Margaret Bacon Avenue.
From Umhlanga / Gateway
- Take M4 (North) towards Ballito.
- Take Umdloti / Verulam exit.
- At top of the off ramp, turn right, direction Umdloti.
- Drive into Umdloti and enter traffic circle.
- Follow circle around and enter right into South Beach Road.
- Fairlight is situated on the corner of South Beach Road and Margaret Bacon Avenue.
From Johannesburg
- Exit the N3 onto the N2 (North) direction Stanger.
- Take UMDLOTI exit.
- Turn right over the bridge and follow the Umdloti road down toward the coastline.
- At the traffic circle, keep to the right onto South Beach Road (sea/ beach on left handside).
- Fairlight is approximately 1km down South Beach Road, situated on the corner of South Beach Road and Margaret Bacon Avenue.
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